Thursday, February 7, 2008

Men Suck

Yep, I said it. After being out of the dating loop for about 15 years I have joined the ranks again, only to rediscover why I left in the first place. Men are just egotistical, self-serving, jerks. As much as I like being held, having my back rubbed and having someone else pay for my dinners, I will not fall victim to the games some of these idiots want to play. Like the guy I have known for 3 weeks who now insists that he loves me and misses me every minute we are not together, and yet NEVER answers the phone when I call. All hell breaks loose though when I miss a call from him or when I am not feeling up to going out. I have a friggen cast on my ankle, I am not in the mood to go out every evening - why can't he get that. His insecurity is already weighing me down, like his fear that my dad doesn't like him or the call from a Brad that was a wrong number. Then, when I invite him to go with me and my church to an event he says no, ok fine, you don't have to go. I didn't realize that his saying that he didn't want to go was some strange language for I can't go either. What they heck ? I have been my own woman for 15 years, other than my daughter I haven't had anyone to answer to for my actions and if I want to go to a museum with my church, I will be DAMNED if I am going to let a man, any man let alone one I have only known for 3 weeks make me feel guilty because of it. UGH!!

I am so sick of being alone and I am afraid that my feeling alone is going to suck me into a bad realtionship. What am I saying, I have already started one and I am afraid to let it go. All because I don't want to be alone again.

And people wonder why I turn to food for comfort. Well, not this time. Food is the enemy and is not going to comfort me. It will only hurt me and sabatoge my efforts to become the person that I have longed to be all my life.

1 comment:

aquarianskye said...

I just kept reading and thinking 'YOU GO GIRL". Don't let the man hold you down. I know you're strong. You did a good thing by letting go.

Love ya!